Am I late? i Hope not.
Today (22/02/06), i wake up around 2 plus pm. I felt so tired and exhausted after watching the the champion league match with my friends. One of my friend stay over night in my room and left while i'm still having my sweet time in my dream. After that i receive couple of msg saying that there is badminton at 5pm. I have my tea break instead of lunch. After that me, si wei, ker yun, wai kit, ching mien and Ken loong were playing badminton till 7pm. Out of a sudden, i receive a msg from tiang saying that currently he is studying in med library. With out thinking, i reply him saying that i will be meeting him at med library just because i was planning to go science for some reason. After a cool shower, i packed my thing and left my room heading to science.
Along the pathway to med library, i can saw ppl studying at the benchs and some even discussing bout their studies or project work. The moment i walk in the library, i can sense total silence and what i saw was ppl sitting everywhere doing their research and studies. With the sexy and nice looking background, there he was (tiang) sitting far inside, studying quietly. From that onward, my inspiration to study grow stronger. With the companionship, i was happy with that short period of study. I feel so relax and calm. What i have studied really stunned me as i will nvr do that while in pgp study room. This proven that, i'm easily got tempted by disturbance for e.g dota. =D From here, what i can say is to thank my bro,tiang. Of cos, i would also like to thank those ppl studying there. They help boosting up my motivation to study and be more serious in my study.
Hey guys and gals, I think i am getting inspire to study again!!!!!!!...bwahahahaha. However i hope it wasnt too late for me to say that =D Anyway, i have my motto "xiao kou chang kai" and will live happily with it. My fren ever told me one phrase, "之 要功夫深,铁树磨成镇“ i think this really work but depend on whether how much effort you put in it.
Along the pathway to med library, i can saw ppl studying at the benchs and some even discussing bout their studies or project work. The moment i walk in the library, i can sense total silence and what i saw was ppl sitting everywhere doing their research and studies. With the sexy and nice looking background, there he was (tiang) sitting far inside, studying quietly. From that onward, my inspiration to study grow stronger. With the companionship, i was happy with that short period of study. I feel so relax and calm. What i have studied really stunned me as i will nvr do that while in pgp study room. This proven that, i'm easily got tempted by disturbance for e.g dota. =D From here, what i can say is to thank my bro,tiang. Of cos, i would also like to thank those ppl studying there. They help boosting up my motivation to study and be more serious in my study.
Hey guys and gals, I think i am getting inspire to study again!!!!!!!...bwahahahaha. However i hope it wasnt too late for me to say that =D Anyway, i have my motto "xiao kou chang kai" and will live happily with it. My fren ever told me one phrase, "之 要功夫深,铁树磨成镇“ i think this really work but depend on whether how much effort you put in it.
A day with full of inspiration and motivation.
At 3:56 PM,
Anonymous said…
Why do you have 2 comment box? I don't know which one to leave my comments in.. hahaha
At 4:31 PM,
Anonymous said…
haha... paiseh first i thought other ppl without an account couldnt post comment. So hy taught me about using another method of doin it by copy paste the code in to the template. =D
At 10:34 PM,
Tiang said…
Hi there!
You need not thank me as I did nothing... :p
I'm happy to study with you too...
Take care and all the best!
At 10:46 AM,
Anonymous said…
對於聰明伶俐的soon lai, juz a piece of cake, rite?!
HA~ anyway! add oil and support U definitely!!! :-)
At 9:49 PM,
Anonymous said…
haha... thank alot dear mandy (hkg buddy) with your support and my own determination, i know i can make it de. =D likewise, u will success in ur studies too. Let work together and we will enjoy ourselve in genting after exam. bwhahaha.
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