Destress Time Part 2 !!!
Onions & Xmas Trees
A family is at the dinner table. The son asks his father, "Dad, how many kinds of boobs are there? The father, surprised, answers, "Well son, thereare three kinds of breasts.
In her 20s, a woman's breasts are like melons, round and firm. I
n her 30s to 40s, they are like pears, still nice but hanging a bit.
After 50,they are like onions". "Onions?" "Yes, you see them and they make you cry."
This infuriated his wife anddaughter so the daughter said, "Mom, how many kinds of 'willies' are there?" The mother, surprised, smiles and answers, "Well dear, a man goes throughthree phases.
In his 20s, his Willy is like an oak tree, mighty and hard.
In his 30s and 40s, it is like a birch, flexible but reliable.
After his50s, it is like a Christmas tree". "A Christmas tree?" "Yes - dead from the root up and the balls are just for decoration."
There was this guy sunbathing in the nude at the beach. Well, this little girl comes up to him, so he covers his private parts with a newspaper.
The little girl says, "What's under there?" So the man answers, "A bird."
The girl goes away and the man falls asleep. When he wakes up, he is in a hospital and in great pain. A doctor comes up to his bed and asks, "What happened?" The man answers, "I don't know. I was at the beach and I fell asleep after talking to a little girl."
So the doctor tells this to the Police, and they go to the
beach to find any witnesses.
When they get there, they see the little girl the man was talking about. So they ask her if she did anything to the man.
She answers, " I didn't do anything to the man, but while he was sleeping, I played with his bird. After a while, it spit at me, so I broke its neck, burned its nest, and smashed all its eggs.
At 3:07 PM,
Anonymous said…
OH MY GOD… 可 愛 的 仔 仔 講 黃 色 笑 話 耶… 呵 呵…“ 大 個 仔” 咯…
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