(6.02.06), today i went to attend my coursemate birthday party with Vern( nus daddy) at bishan. We leave pgp at around 11am and make it there around 12 plus. The food was nice especially the spicy chicken (extremely hot). Vern bf, Ben yeo (nus buddy), came late on that day. He got fool by me,vern and shirley by lying him that not to get cheated by the colour and appearance of the spicy chicken. He believe what we have said so he going for the spicy chicken. AFter his first bite, his face turn red and non stop drinking water. =D He can nvr take even a bit of spicy food tho. Don't think he will ever trust us in food le..... bwahahaha
~~~~~~~~Talk Cock ~~~~~~~~~
This was the decoration made by sangeetha family for her 21th birthday. Quite amazing when i first saw it. Very beautiful indeed. =P
This was her birthday cake with dry ice underneath to keep the cake cool. So special. By the way, the cake taste good. =D
After the party, shirley plan to go KTV. Since everyone agree, so we decide to go orchard K box have fun since we are out at town already.

The guy was Ben yeo(vern hubby)singing happily with vern. So sweet!!! cant stay any longer watching them le... hee..

This is my sai mui, shirley. She is pretty rite but guys out there, dont ever think of wooing her cos she is attached!!! bwahahaha...
~~~~~~~~ Sing Song ~~~~~~~~~
Overall, the day was marvelous. It fill with joy and laughter, especially Non-stop talking cock. hehe... Love hanging around with them.
~~~~~~ THE END ~~~~~~
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