How are you going to tell the taxi driver.........????
Hey hey hey, wow .. such a long break since my last posted. How's everyone doing uh ? Anyway, i almost forgotten my blog due to my laziness and school work. Anyway, just wanna share something fantastic with u all.
Driver : Nak ke mana cik?
(where u wanna go miss?)
Penumpang : Saya nak ke bandar Sunway. Dekat jer, rumah saya kat Jalan Puki Mak U Lah...
(i want to go sunway city. Near my house near Jalan Puki Mak U Lah)
Driver : Cik, kita ni orang Melayu. Tak boleh ke gunakan bahasa yang lebih sopan.
(miss, we are malay people. Cant you use language which is more polite)
Penumpang : Nak sopan macam mana lagi bang. Dah memang itu nama jalannya.
(how polite u want brother. That's really the road name of it.)
Driver : %$#@&*

haha.. i cant imagine there is this kind of road sign... superb marvelous .. lol .. Have a gd laugh everyone. (p/s: if anyone dont understand what puki mak ulah mean .. Here is the translation, puki = fuck , mak = mother, u = you) Hope u get the joke. haha.
(this joke is credited to my 2nd sis)